Introduction In Adobe PhotoShop
Adobe Photoshop is one of the most important computer programs of
our age. It’s made photo editing a commonplace thing, something for
the everyperson. Still, Photoshop can be a scary thing (especially that first
purchase price!), comprising a jungle of menus and panels and tools and
options and shortcuts as well as a bewildering array of add-ons and plug-ins.
And that’s why you’re holding this book in your hands. And why I wrote it.
And why Wiley published it.
You want to make sense of Photoshop — or, at the very least, be able to work
competently and efficiently in the program, accomplishing those tasks that
need to get done. You want a reference that discusses how things work and
what things do, not in a technogeek or encyclopedic manner, but rather as an
experienced friend might explain something to you. Although step-by-step
explanations are okay if they show how something works, you don’t need
rote recipes that don’t apply to the work you do. You don’t mind discovering
tricks, as long as they can be applied to your images and artwork in a productive,
meaningful manner. You’re in the right place!
our age. It’s made photo editing a commonplace thing, something for
the everyperson. Still, Photoshop can be a scary thing (especially that first
purchase price!), comprising a jungle of menus and panels and tools and
options and shortcuts as well as a bewildering array of add-ons and plug-ins.
And that’s why you’re holding this book in your hands. And why I wrote it.
And why Wiley published it.
You want to make sense of Photoshop — or, at the very least, be able to work
competently and efficiently in the program, accomplishing those tasks that
need to get done. You want a reference that discusses how things work and
what things do, not in a technogeek or encyclopedic manner, but rather as an
experienced friend might explain something to you. Although step-by-step
explanations are okay if they show how something works, you don’t need
rote recipes that don’t apply to the work you do. You don’t mind discovering
tricks, as long as they can be applied to your images and artwork in a productive,
meaningful manner. You’re in the right place!
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